NYC Sex Crimes Lawyers
Last Updated on: 4th June 2024, 11:28 pm
Sex crimes are incredibly serious, and the penalties range from mild to severe. This kind of infraction can occur in multiple forms, but it always requires legal assistance. The judicial process is designed to be uniquely unforgiving of sexual violations, so a good lawyer is needed to fight the charges.
This overview explores the different elements of sex crimes as it pertains to due process and citizens’ rights. The guide also covers the impact of being put on the Sex Offender Registry.
Indecent Exposure
Nudity is expressly forbidden in public, and revealing one’s privates outside can result in a whole litany of charges. Circumstances don’t necessarily exonerate an individual either. For example, public urination can result in an arrest for this kind of crime even when a medical emergency is present. Wardrobe malfunctions can also lead to being arraigned alongside genuine flashers.
Prostitution, Solicitation and Sex Trafficking
Selling sex is obviously illegal, but those who participate in prostitution are often unware of how many laws they are breaking. People who offer their bodies in exchange for money can be punished for a variety of sex crimes. Meanwhile, pimps may receive the same charges on top of human trafficking violations. Imprisonment and coercion can be tacked on too.
Even customers get in trouble for patronizing potential prostitutes. This is known as solicitation, and there are several different degrees to categorize the request. Depending on how direct the client is, this crime can be a misdemeanor or felony. For the most part, almost everything in the realm of today’s illegal sex trade constitutes a felonious act.
Rape & Sexual Assault
Forcible encounters are the most severe type of sex crimes, and they are never taken lightly. Most of these felonies involve penetration, but there are several other ways to commit rape as well. Using drugs to render the victim immobilized is a common method, and this can result in many more criminal charges. If violence is used, the counts of assault and rape can be elevated. At this point, they will be considered “aggravated,” which usually results in steeper fines and longer prison sentences.
Statutory Rape
When someone is under the age of consent, they are not legally able to provide an agreement for sexual activities. This means that willful sex acts can still be prosecuted if the supposed victim is too young. These scenarios are treated as statutory rape, and they are often punished harshly. Additional charges may be levied if the older party is also in a position of authority. Ultimately, this kind of relationship is seen as taking advantage of a child, so the courts will be heavily biased against the perceived rapist.
Possession of Child Pornography
It is illegal to own lewd materials that showcase sexual depictions of individuals under 18. There are very few exceptions to this rule, and being caught with child pornography can result in an extensive prison sentence. Producing the materials is an even worse sex crime, and this kind of behavior can culminate in additional rape charges. The federal ban covers physical content and online activity.
Unlawful surveillance is a crime in most jurisdictions. Peeping toms are not treated kindly by judges. Violating another person’s privacy can have severe ramifications in court, especially if cameras were involved in any way. If the filming of sexual activities is conducted, consent must be provided beforehand; otherwise, it is a sex crime!
The Registry
Regardless of the crime’s severity, anyone who is convicted of a sexual violation will be placed on the FBI’s National Sex Offender Registry. This public list keeps track of all basic personal details. Everyone can search the database to check the safety of their neighborhood, and there is no recourse for convicts. Their names often stay in the system for life, and they have to update the catalog every time they move or get a new job.
The Next Step
To avoid being victimized in court, anyone facing a sex crime trial should consult the Spodek Law Group for legal assistance. Finding representation that cares is crucial to success in court, and these attorneys will work tirelessly to clear their clients’ names!
NYC Sexual Assault Lawyers
Sexual assault charges are very serious. A sexual assault conviction can ruin lives. Not only is there a possibility of a long jail sentence, but there are also civil lawsuits, mandatory sex offender registry, and a high likelihood of one’s career and personal life being destroyed. This is particularly devastating if you have been falsely accused.
However, people accused of sexual assault deserve and get a chance to defend themselves in court. The court system can be unfriendly to those accused of sexual assault. It is imperative to get legal representation from an attorney experienced in defending people against these charges.
Potential Consequences of a Sexual Assault Charge
The consequences of being convicted or even accused of sexual assault are very serious. Judges and juries tend to be hard on defendants; high sentences are common. In New York state, sexual assault is a class D felony, one of the most serious kinds. People are sentenced to between one and seven years in prison; however, prison time is just the beginning.
Many people convicted of sexual assault are the victims of violence while incarcerated. In addition, once they are released, they are required to register as a sex offender. Their photograph, name, and even address can be found easily. In addition, sexual assault charges can have devastating effects on one’s personal life. Defendants often lose their families and friends over these charges. Last, it is almost impossible to have a successful career after a conviction such as this one. Many people will lose professional licenses. All potential employers will have to be told upfront about the conviction, which makes it difficult to find employment.
People who are accused of sexual assault deserve a fair trial. If convicted, they should be allowed to complete their punishment and then move on with their lives. Unfortunately, this rarely happens. There is hope for people who are accused, however: an experienced criminal defense attorney with experience in sexual assault.
How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help?
There are several ways that a criminal defense attorney can help you throughout this process. An attorney can advocate for you to receive reasonable bail, so you can continue to work and also help prepare a defense. It is almost impossible to defend yourself against these serious accusations while stuck behind bars.
In many cases, an attorney can get your charges reduced or even dropped. It is not unusual for the court system to move forward with charges that are not appropriate for the situation or not backed up by evidence. A criminal defense attorney can work to ensure you are treated fairly.
Last, if charges are not reduced or dropped, an attorney can explain your options regarding plea bargain and trial. District attorneys often will offer unfair plea agreements to people without representation. You deserve to have all the information about the lifelong impact of your options, and to have someone on your side who is experienced in dealing with the court system.
You Have Options
While it is scary to be accused of sexual assault, you have options. An experienced attorney will ensure that your case is treated fairly, that evidence is collected according to high legal standards without contamination, and that you are treated as though you are innocent until proven guilty.
It is not uncommon for people accused of sexual assault to be treated unfairly by people in the court system. A qualified criminal defense attorney will ensure that you and your case are treated according to the highest standards of the law. Your attorney will advocate for you and show you the respect and fairness you deserve without judgment. You deserve someone on your side.
Sexual assault charges can feel devastating, but they can be fought successfully. If you or a loved one have been accused of this crime, contact the queens criminal defense attorneys at Spodek Law Group. We will help you defend yourself against these charges and ensure that you get the fair trial you deserve.