New York Medical License Defense Lawyer
Last Updated on: 4th June 2024, 10:40 pm
If you have reason to believe that serious disciplinary charges are about to be filed against you, or if such charges have already been filed, the time to contact a New York medical defense lawyer is now. You’ve spent years earning your degree and building up your practice. Don’t leave your defense to chance, or to your own devices. You can retain a professional New York medical malpractice lawyer who can get the charges against you reduced to insignificance, or dropped altogether. But the sooner you get proactive, the better.
What Are The Activities That Could Put Your License At Risk?
There are a number of illegal activities, the mere suspicion of which can be grounds for an immediate hearing followed by disciplinary action. These activities include, but are not limited to:
practicing while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
having alcohol or drugs in your possession, or on the premises of your practice;
medical malpractice;
billing fraud, medical insurance fraud, or embezzlement;
tax evasion;
prescribing narcotics under illegal or suspicious circumstances;
domestic violence or domestic abuse.
Don’t Risk A License Suspension Or Revocation
The effects of even a short term suspension of your medical license can be devastating. In one stroke, you lose credibility with your existing patients, as well as the ability to attract new ones. Who wants to put their life in the hands of a physician whose license has been suspended? Even if you are ultimately cleared of the charges against you, the fact that your suspension was made public (as it inevitably will be) is enough to make people leery of you, and reluctant to deal with you.
And if your license is revoked, it’s all over for you in a flash. Years of training and hard work are washed down the drain by the stroke of a pen. It was hard enough for you to survive through years of rigorous schooling. Imagine how hard it will be to have to pick up the pieces and find a new profession now that you’ve been discredited from your life’s calling. It’s critical that you give yourself the best possible defense against the mere possibility of charges, of whatever sort, being filed against you.
Never Deal With The Licensing Authority Directly
When you receive notice of possible disciplinary charges being filed against you, your first impulse might be to go to the Licensing Authority and attempt to deal with them face to face in order to prove that all suspicions are unfounded. This is the worst thing you can do in such a situation, for a number of reasons.
First, you might not even be aware of all of the specific details related to the charges against you. This means that you might be wasting the Licensing Authority’s time with a protest over details that may be completely irrelevant to the case. By simply irritating them, you may be prejudicing them against you when it comes to considering the actual details of the case.
Also, by opening your mouth before you know all of the facts, you may without realizing it be giving away vital details that will be used against you at a later date. You may even be furnishing them with material for fresh charges that could be added on as an unpleasant afterthought.
A Medical License Lawyer Is The Perfect Mediator
You should never have any personal contact with the Licensing Authority until they summon you directly for a hearing. The risk of saying something that could possibly incriminate you is simply too real to be trifled with. If your practice is based in New York, your best bet is to hire our professional medical malpractice lawyers to represent you in all of your dealings with the Authority.
The attorney you retain will serve as a valuable mediator between you and the Authority. This will reduce the possibility of accidentally incriminating yourself either directly through a verbal misstep, or by offering evidence that turns out to be eminently suited to being used against you in the course of the hearing. A trained legal professional will know how to protect you from committing these fatal errors.
Let Your New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Get The Facts Of The Case
A medical license defense attorney will be able to obtain all of the facts concerning the charges that are being filed, or under consideration for being filed, against you. If you don’t know every last detail of the possible charges, don’t open your mouth. Let your New York medical malpractice lawyer sift through the paperwork and devise an effective defense strategy against all of the charges. Your professional career is in the balance, so every barrier you have against a fatal misstep is a valuable one.
For Peace Of Mind And A Successful Resolution Of Your Case
The sooner you have a professional qualified attorney by your side, the sooner you will have adequate representation during these four vital stages of the hearing:
initial hearing, during which it is decided whether to proceed with formal charges;
formal hearing itself;
negotiation stage, during which the Authority decides which (if any) penalties will be applied, and how severe they will be;
settlement stage, during which the Authority decides the amount of the fines (if any) which may be imposed on you.
For peace of mind, as well as a successful resolution of your case, contact a New York medical license defense lawyer today.