FINRA Investigations Defense Lawyer
Last Updated on: 4th June 2024, 11:22 pm
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investigations
Every investor and broker in America usually does their best to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the industry and United States law. Sometimes, though, things don’t go as planned and it’s in these cases that there can be serious legal repercussions. A FINRA investigation is one of the most dreaded of all repercussions. What starts out as an informal inquiry and investigation can quickly become a full-scale formal investigation that ends an investor’s career. It’s the job of our law office to make sure that this isn’t the end of YOUR career as an investor or broker. You’ve done your job to the best of your ability, but it’s at this point that you need to let a lawyer step in and do their job. And that is to protect you from FINRA investigations.
How FINRA Functions and Why
Our financial system is fragile. Investors and brokers who don’t play by the rules do an enormous amount of harm to individuals and financial firms, so it’s the job of FINRA, the largest independent regulatory body in the United States, to make sure that everyone involved in securities plays by the rules. When this happen, investors and the people who trust them feel safer. FINRA doesn’t always get it right, though. There have been times when investors and brokers have been unfairly accused of breaking the rules and in turn find themselves on the wrong end of the law. If you get an inquiry about rule 8210, it’s time to contact a lawyer, and there’s no other way to put it. While an informal investigation won’t immediately result in criminal charges or you losing your entire career, if you don’t respond to the accusations and clear your name, it’s possible to eventually find yourself unable to work as an investor or broker. Sometimes you can even face prison time (later on down the road when criminal lawyers become involved).
Call Us Today
Farar & Lewis is a law firm that wants to defend its clients against unfair accusations made by FINRA, and trust us, unfair accusations happen more often than you think. Unfortunately many people simply ignore their inquiry or wait while things grow worse. The longer you wait to respond, the worse it looks on you. What you need to do today is give us a call and set up a free consultation to discuss your case. Many investors have a lot of sleepless nights and worry endlessly about a FINRA letter when instead they should be sitting in our law office discussing what led to the accusation and how we can go about resolving anything that FINRA misunderstands about your conduct. So don’t wait another minute. Please realize that the informal investigation stage is the best time to clear your name. There’s still time to respond and take care of things before they escalate. If you’ve received an inquiry from FINRA, call us today. We will fight for you aggressively and protect your reputation, freedom, and career.