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NYC Child Endangerment Lawyers

Protecting Families Against Child Endangerment Allegations in New York City Few accusations strike more fear in the hearts of parents than claims they endangered the welfare of a child. Even incidents arising from innocent mistakes or cultural misunderstandings can trigger child endangerment investigations by ACS and NYPD. If formal charges are filed, families desperately need […]

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New York Sales Tax Fraud Lawyers

The Importance of Proper Sales Tax Compliance Any business that sells products to customers must collect sales tax. Whatever the purchase cost, there will be a small amount added as sales tax that the business is responsible for sending to the government. This tax is used for services for local citizens such as repairing roads, […]

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NYC Annulment Lawyers

Like a conventional divorce, an annulment effectively concludes a marriage. However, annulments are legal proceedings that go a step or two further by declaring the marriage void or invalid via a court order. After an annulment, it is as if the marriage never occurred. Some spouses seek an annulment to avoid the perceived stigma of […]

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NYC Smuggling Lawyers

Understanding Drug Smuggling Laws and Penalties in New York Smuggling is the secret transportation of goods past a checkpoint. Secured facilities, or borders, are examples of smuggling. For example, a New York drug smuggling case would be an example where someone smuggled an illegal substance, or a drug, that an individual shouldn’t be moving across […]

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NYC Ticket Scams Lawyers

Ticket Scams: Beware of Fraudulent Practices If you’ve flown on a plane, then you know that the price of the ticket can be expensive. Unfortunately, there are people who will try to commit ticket scams in order to get more money from those who are already paying a high price. Some people will try to […]

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Healthcare and Insurance Fraud Lawyers

Health care fraud is a crime where a consumer or dishonest provider submits false or misleading information on a claim to gain a benefit or profit. Most cases are described as Medicare and Medicaid abuse, and will get classified as federal felonies. Different groups within the healthcare system – patients, providers, insurers – may commit […]

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NYC Bench Warrants Lawyers – NYC Arrest Warrants Lawyers

Vacating Bench Warrants in New York City Courts Missing a court date or violating parole can trigger issuance of a bench warrant in pending New York City criminal cases. Bench warrants authorize police to arrest defendants and haul them before the court to answer for alleged failures to appear. Our NYC bench warrants lawyers have […]

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Reckless Driving Lawyers

The need for an attorney is not something most people assume they’ll ever encounter for anything more serious than the making of a will or an estate. Most people have no intention of ever finding themselves in a situation in which an attorney is needed, but life has a way of making the seemingly impossible […]

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Yonkers Criminal Lawyers

The Spodek Law Group criminal defense attorneys help clients with both felonies and misdemeanors. If you’re accused of a crime, we want to help you. You have the right to an attorney The United States Constitution promises that all citizens of the United States will be provided with legal representation should they be charged with […]

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NY Penal Law Obscenity Crimes

If you’ve been keeping up with our ongoing series of posts, then you know the drill. We’re going to look, in this post, at obscenity and related charges. In case you haven’t, though, we’ve been taking a look at some of the various charges on the books in the state of New York in relation […]

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NY Penal Law 178 Criminal Conversion of Prescription Medication

In this ongoing series of posts, we’ve been taking apart some of the complicated legalese that you’ll contend with when going through the New York penal law in order to get at the meaning behind some of the complicated language. We’ve covered topics such as larceny, robbery, and the like in the past, but today […]

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nyc dwi car forfeiture

One of the more controversial aspects of New York City’s driving while intoxicated (DWI) laws is car forfeiture. This is when the police seize your vehicle after you’re arrested for a DWI. Police can now also seize your car after an arrest for reckless driving. Once the police have impounded your car, they can start […]

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IRS Audit Lawyers

The day has come. You’ve been informed that you’re being audited by the IRS. This is a day that no one, even the most careful of taxpayers, looks forward to. It means that you’re going to have to collect documents, talk to auditors, and take time away from your daily life to deal with the […]

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NY Penal Law 100 – Anticipatory Offenses

When it comes to New York state penal law, the letter of the law can seem a bit complicated, or even downright confusing. So let’s get into a few of what are considered to be the “anticipatory offenses” in New York penal law. Criminal solicitation in the fifth degree When it comes to criminal solicitation […]

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New York OPMC Attorney | NYC OPMC Lawyers

When we represent physicians in the OPMC matters, we always strive to resolve issues quickly before the situation escalates. We would begin by thoroughly investigating your case by interviews and document reviews. We will then present out position to the OPMC investigator  often convincing the agency to terminate the case before it reaches the next […]

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NY Penal Law Article 156 Computer Crimes

In the past we’ve expounded on New York penal laws that have to do with the physical world. But as things have gone increasingly digital, so too have a lot of our crimes migrated to this new realm. So in today’s post we’re going to talk a little bit about computer trespass and tampering laws, […]

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NY Drug Diversion Attorneys

New York Drug Diversion Attorneys Drug Diversion By Physicians At Spodek Law Group our defense attorneys represent physicians who have been accused of drug diversion on local and federal levels. Drug diversion in the medical profession is a serious issue that essentially is unlawful distribution or abuse of prescription drugs. Drug diversion can occur at every […]

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NYC Mail Theft Lawyers

Mail Theft Lawyers Millions of letters are delivered to people across the country by the United States Postal Service. Important documents, checks, bank statements and credit cards are just a few things that hold the utmost level of importance for the address. Unfortunately, these items hold a level of importance for others who may decide […]

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Federal crime forgery

Best Defenses for Federal Forgery Charges Introduction Forgery—making or modifying documents—is a federal and state felony. Forgery has serious legal repercussions, therefore it’s important to grasp them. This article discusses federal forgery accusations and defenses. What’s Federal Forgery? 18 U.S.C. § 471 defines forgery as manufacturing, changing, using, or possessing a fraudulent document or material. […]

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New York Medical License Defense Lawyer

If you have reason to believe that serious disciplinary charges are about to be filed against you, or if such charges have already been filed, the time to contact a New York medical defense lawyer is now. You’ve spent years earning your degree and building up your practice. Don’t leave your defense to chance, or […]

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Income tax fraud is not an uncommon crime in the United States. In fact, it might be one of the most common financial crimes that take place each year. Many taxpayers resent the government taxing their hard earned dollars and this frustration can lead them to embellish or minimize certain facts on their income tax […]

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NY Penal Law 165 Theft of Services

In this post we’ll be continuing to look at various theft crimes, this time honing in on what’s considered to be theft of services. Let’s get started by looking at what theft of services is and how exactly you’d be considered guilty of it. Theft of services. To be guilty of theft of services, you’ll […]

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San Antonio Snap Violation Lawyers

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) affords needy families an ability to avoid hunger. If you’re a retailer who participates in SNAP, you provide a valuable service to low income residents as well as having a consistent source of income for your business. An accusation that you have violated the laws and rules of the […]

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NYC DUI Lawyers | NYC DWI Lawyers

If you have been charged with a DUI in the state of New York, you should take the charge extremely seriously. Even if this is only your first offense, you should be fully aware that there are potentially serious penalties, including fines, loss of driving privileges, and even prison time. To avoid being judged guilty […]

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What Is The Motion To Dismiss In NY Criminal Courts?

Understanding Motions to Dismiss in Legal Proceedings Attorneys file several different sorts of motions throughout trial. A motion to dismiss in the interest of justice may be made when one or more factors indicate that the prosecution and conviction of the defendant would result in injustice. The possibility of injustice usually arises from the defendant’s […]

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NYC Postnuptial Lawyers

Not every couple finds the need to introduce a prenuptial agreement into their marital planning. Perhaps you’re young and you haven’t any assets to protect. Perhaps you’re just not invested in it because you think you know better. Whatever the reason, you’re not without options if you choose not to sign a prenup. You have […]

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Queens DWI Lawyers

Anyone facing charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) will likely need to secure legal support soon. This is because there are a variety of complex laws that will govern the way that many people tend to proceed to trial. Hiring on a lawyer in Queens for DWI could be the most effective step that many people will […]

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CFTC Commodity Trading Charge Defense Lawyer

How Does the CFTC Work? The CFTC is charged with investigations and taking action in cases where illegal trading activities appear to be taking place. The investigation may have to do with any type of domestic or international trading. Swaps, futures, and commodities trading are a few examples that fall under the eye of the […]

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NY Penal Law 230 Prostitution Offenses

Defending NY Penal Law 230 Prostitution Charges: How to Find the Best Attorney In New York, being charged with a prostitution offense under Penal Code Section 230 is extremely serious. These allegations carry stigma and harsh collateral penalties beyond potential jail time. Building an effective legal defense requires an experienced criminal defense attorney. Choosing the […]

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NYC Airport Gun Arrests Lawyers

Understanding NYC Airport Laws and Your Rights Airports in NYC are special areas. Many of your rights are suspended. Many only realize this after facing felony charges, getting locked up in jail, or being extorted by the local government. New York has has incredibly restrictive gun laws. NYC doesn’t recognize gun permits or licenses from […]

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