Delancey Street Helps Business Owners Regain Control

Each year 10's of thousands of business owners struggle.

Join The Program

Fill out our contact form. We'll reach out and conduct a thorough assessment of your situation, and how we can help you. Our goal is to understand your situation, and determine if our program is the right for you, and the type of debt you have.

We Work With You

Once we determine our program is right for you, we start working on your behalf. We conduct a thorough evaluation of the type of debts you have, and put together an action plan on what a realistic, and beneficial outcome would look like for each debt.

We Get Results

The final step is the most important, we restructure your debt and put you in a better position than we found you. We work with you to adhere to the new debt restructuring program, and are with you every step of the way to make sure your business is thriving.

Program Results

$450K Merchant Cash Advance

Extra 24 Months

Transformed into a monthly payment, and extended by 2 years, with a 15% reduction in balance.
$110K Merchant Cash Advance

55% Reduction

Transformed into a monthly payment, and extended by 2 years, with a 55% reduction in balance.
$100k Business LOC

50% Redution

Our client had an LOC with a MCA hybrid lender, and saw a drastic reduction in balance.

How We Help

Business debt settlement through Delancey Street involves restructuring your corporate debt, in a manner that allows you to keep your doors open, and results in an increase in cashflow.

Get a affordable plan that works for your business cash flow as a part of the debt settlement process.

Get potential resolutions with Delancey Street in a timely and effective time frame once you enter our debt relief program.

You Have a Powerhouse team of financial and legal experts on your side, advising you on how to interact with predatory creditors.

5 Star Google Rating trusted by 100's of people who are struggling with business debt.

What is Coastal Resolve?

Coastal Resolve is a regulatory program that was created to safeguard shorelines, estuaries, and marine life from harmful practices. This program establishes rules that limit how businesses and individuals can use or build on coastal land. It also puts guidelines in place that protect against pollution, soil erosion, and habitat damage. Coastal Resolve that was introduced by federal and state authorities aims to keep our coasts sustainable, so future generations can benefit from clean beaches, healthy marine ecosystems, and thriving fishing communities.

Why Does Coastal Resolve Matter?

Shorelines that are protected can shield nearby towns from flooding and storm surges, which means businesses that are located near the coast benefit from fewer interruptions. If you violate Coastal Resolve, it could put these protective measures in jeopardy and may impact local marine life, leading to fines and potential lawsuits. We are, a top tier business debt relief company, and while our main focus is debt relief, our experience with complex legal matters also gives us insights into issues linked to Coastal Resolve—especially when violations can lead to heavy financial penalties.

How Government Agencies Enforce Coastal Resolve

Government agencies that oversee coastal regulations include NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which issue permits and monitor compliance. There may be cases where local authorities partner with these federal bodies, leading to multi-layered oversight. Enforcement actions that are initiated by these agencies can include fines, forced project shutdowns, and even criminal charges. Businesses that are found violating Coastal Resolve might face immediate work stoppage, which can devastate cash flow.

Potential Penalties, Crimes, and Punishments

Violations that involve Coastal Resolve can be treated as civil offenses or, in extreme situations, criminal infractions. For instance, a company that was caught dumping waste into a protected bay could face serious repercussions. Penalties that are imposed might range from moderate fines to hefty financial punishments in the six-figure or seven-figure range. If the government views your actions as intentional or reckless, you might see prison terms for those who were directly responsible. A penalty can disrupt your business cash flow, which could lead to potential defaults on business loans or credit cards. Penalties that keep adding up can seriously threaten a company’s survival.

Evidence That Was Illegally Obtained During Investigations

Sometimes, government officials conduct inspections that push the boundaries of legal search and seizure. Evidence that was illegally obtained may be inadmissible in court, and that can lead to dismissal or reduction of charges. When evidence is thrown out, you gain an advantage because the prosecution’s case might weaken substantially, and the potential consequences of conviction may lessen. This is crucial because every piece of evidence can tip the scales in court, and if that evidence cannot be used against you, the possibility of a more favorable settlement or outcome increases.

Flow of Consequences (Visual Flow Chart Style)

Situation → Potential Violation → Coastal Resolve Enforcement → Penalties (Fines, Shutdown, Criminal Charges) → Business Debt Stress → Need for Legal and Financial Relief

In this chain of events, each step causes repercussions for the next. A single violation can set off a chain reaction, and once that reaction starts, it can be expensive and time-consuming to fix.

Legal Strategies: How We’d Defend You

We can help you, especially if you believe you might be at risk for Coastal Resolve violations. Our approach includes:

  • Immediate Assessment: We gather information about permits that you have, site plans that were approved, and any official complaints. This helps us understand exactly where you stand.
  • Negotiation With Agencies: Once we know your status, we talk to government bodies to see if there’s a possibility of settling or modifying your permit conditions. Remember, government agencies want compliance, not the destruction of businesses.
  • Challenging Evidence: If any material that was collected by investigators is questionable, we will argue that it be excluded. By excluding improperly gathered evidence, we protect you from unfair prosecution.
  • Proactive Compliance Plan: We help you create new protocols that show immediate effort to remedy the alleged violation. That demonstration of good faith can significantly reduce penalties.

Criminal Charges for Serious Offenses

In cases where the government believes your actions went beyond a mere oversight, you may face criminal charges. Coastal pollution or destruction that was deemed willful might be charged as a federal crime under laws such as the Clean Water Act or the Coastal Zone Management Act. Individuals who are accused of these crimes could face serious penalties, including probation, house arrest, or even prison time. Having a robust defense strategy becomes critical because a criminal record can impact your ability to run a business, travel, or obtain new financing in the future.

Your Cash Flow on the Line

A single violation can trigger a financial crisis if regulators impose immediate fines. Your business might then struggle with paying off merchant cash advances or credit card bills, which could lead to defaults and lawsuits from creditors. Suddenly, you not only face Coastal Resolve penalties, but also a potential avalanche of debt-related issues that threaten to shutter your doors. When you’re in that position, you might need to consolidate or restructure your obligations. We are, and we can show you ways to stay afloat while you address your legal issues.

Why Working With Delancey Street Protects You

We are a business relief company that was built on helping clients nationwide. Our team, which includes legal counsel, can collaborate with environmental attorneys who focus on Coastal Resolve issues. This combination of finance and legal knowledge is crucial because:

  1. We Understand Fines and Debt: We can negotiate with lenders, and we can also coordinate with environmental lawyers to keep your business functional.
  2. We Have Negotiation Experience: Our team that was trained in negotiation knows how agencies operate and can use that knowledge for your benefit.
  3. We Offer a Unified Approach: Instead of hiring multiple firms that don’t communicate with each other, you get a fully integrated strategy.

Reporting Requirements and Government Websites

If you have any suspicion that you might need to file permits or correct a misstep, it’s smart to check official websites. For instance, you can look at FEMA to see if your region has specific floodplain concerns, or visit EPA to learn about federal environmental standards. Missing a required filing can be a huge risk, and your business might face immediate fines if you don’t comply. Agencies want you to follow the rules, and if you act early, you might avoid bigger problems down the road.

Defending Against Coastal Resolve Violations: A Closer Look

Evidence that was submitted late can raise questions about a project’s legitimacy. If you can show that you followed the correct protocols and that the evidence was filed in a timely manner, you reduce the likelihood of enforcement actions. On the other hand, if local authorities discover that you began construction without the necessary reviews, you could be charged. A formal charge can derail your project, especially if the courts issue an injunction that halts work until the lawsuit is resolved. That stoppage means lost revenue, idle employees, and mounting debt.

How a Defense Typically Unfolds

  1. Investigation: We collect every document that was ever exchanged between you and the agencies.
  2. Communication: We contact the relevant enforcement body to see if we can resolve matters quickly.
  3. Legal Challenges: If a penalty feels unjust, we file an appeal or defend you in court.
  4. Resolution or Trial: We push for the best resolution possible—whether that’s a reduced penalty, a corrected permit, or an outright dismissal.
  5. Recovery: We work with you on managing any financial fallout. If you’re overwhelmed by fines or fees, you might be eligible for business debt relief solutions.

Practical Consequences if You Don’t Act

Ignoring a Coastal Resolve violation will not make it vanish. Unpaid fines that keep accumulating can attract lawsuits from the government, and, in some states, repeated non-compliance can lead to property liens or license revocations. A lien could freeze your assets, preventing you from taking out new loans or selling property. Worse yet, your reputation could suffer, and potential clients may be unwilling to work with you if you’re labeled as a polluter or a business owner who ignores environmental regulations. That risk hits your bottom line.

Keys to Avoiding Coastal Resolve Nightmares

  • Stay Informed: Know your local zoning laws, especially if you operate in a coastal region.
  • File Early: Secure the right permits from agencies like NOAA or the Army Corps of Engineers, so you can show you’re following the rules.
  • Maintain Good Relationships: A lender that trusts you is more likely to extend better terms if an emergency arises.
  • Have a Defense Plan: Don’t wait until you’re served with a notice of violation. Outline your approach now, so you can act fast if something happens.

Our Call to Action: Putting You in Control

At, we can help you if you’re concerned about Coastal Resolve issues that may financially cripple your business. We believe that open communication and strategic planning are vital for any situation that might escalate into major legal trouble. We know that you’re trying to grow your company, support your employees, and respect the environment.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

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Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
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Delancey Street simply gets it. You're talking to experts.
Steven Norris
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