Delancey Street Helps Business Owners Regain Control

Each year 10's of thousands of business owners struggle.

Join The Program

Fill out our contact form. We'll reach out and conduct a thorough assessment of your situation, and how we can help you. Our goal is to understand your situation, and determine if our program is the right for you, and the type of debt you have.

We Work With You

Once we determine our program is right for you, we start working on your behalf. We conduct a thorough evaluation of the type of debts you have, and put together an action plan on what a realistic, and beneficial outcome would look like for each debt.

We Get Results

The final step is the most important, we restructure your debt and put you in a better position than we found you. We work with you to adhere to the new debt restructuring program, and are with you every step of the way to make sure your business is thriving.

Program Results

$450K Merchant Cash Advance

Extra 24 Months

Transformed into a monthly payment, and extended by 2 years, with a 15% reduction in balance.
$110K Merchant Cash Advance

55% Reduction

Transformed into a monthly payment, and extended by 2 years, with a 55% reduction in balance.
$100k Business LOC

50% Redution

Our client had an LOC with a MCA hybrid lender, and saw a drastic reduction in balance.

How We Help

Business debt settlement through Delancey Street involves restructuring your corporate debt, in a manner that allows you to keep your doors open, and results in an increase in cashflow.

Get a affordable plan that works for your business cash flow as a part of the debt settlement process.

Get potential resolutions with Delancey Street in a timely and effective time frame once you enter our debt relief program.

You Have a Powerhouse team of financial and legal experts on your side, advising you on how to interact with predatory creditors.

5 Star Google Rating trusted by 100's of people who are struggling with business debt.

Dallas MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

We Are, a top tier business debt relief company based out of NYC, that helps clients nationwide. We understand that merchant cash advances, also known as MCAs, can feel overwhelming. Our goal is to give you a clearer path to financial stability and peace of mind.

A merchant cash advance is a type of funding that was created for businesses who need quick funds. It involves the lender taking a % of your daily or weekly credit card sales. That can lead to a never-ending repayment cycle. When payments become too much, you might face legal pressure or even lawsuits because you’re unable to keep up with payments – and the lender thinks you’re about to default. That can create long-term financial troubles if you don’t act quickly because the lender will try to get a judgement against your business.

From a lender’s point of view, a borrower who was late on payments might be seen as a risk – the MCA is unsecured debt, which means they have no assets like real estate to secure it. That can prompt them to file a lawsuit or seek judgments, if you have a COJ in your agreement – it can be impossible to win. A lender who was funding your future receivables might claim you’re breaching the agreement. That can result in serious penalties, like garnishments or liens, if the court agrees with them.

In Dallas, and throughout Texas, debt collection practices must follow guidelines under Texas state law. If a lender who was attempting to collect crosses the line, you can use certain defenses under consumer protection rules. You can learn more about these protections by visiting the Texas Attorney General’s website or the Federal Trade Commission website.

Fraud that was discovered by a lender can become a criminal matter. That might mean the borrower faces fines, or, in extreme cases, time behind bars. Providing false statements like fake bank statements on a loan application can be charged as fraud. That can cost you money in legal fees and lead to possible prison time.

Failing to respond to lawsuits that were filed by the lender could lead to default judgments.
That can allow the lender to freeze your business bank accounts or seize your assets.

We fight. We protect. We negotiate. Here are some of our common defense strategies:

  1. Debt Validation: We request proof that was requested by law to confirm the exact amount you owe. That can make the lender pause any harsh tactics if they lack proper records. We ask for a payment record which makes sure they are unable to fabricate how much you have left to pay.
  2. Negotiation with Lenders: We talk to lenders who were open to restructuring debt. That might include lowering interest rates or giving you more time to pay. If a lender sees your going to file bankruptcy, and have lawyer reaching out on your behalf, they might play ball.
  3. Examining Contracts: We search for hidden fees or illegal clauses that were placed in your MCA agreement. That can lead to a reduction in what you owe.
  4. Challenging Fraud Allegations: We collect evidence that was missed by the lender, showing you never intended to commit fraud.
  5. Filing Defensive Lawsuits: If the lender who was trying to sue you broke state or federal law, we counter-sue for damages.

If you ignore your MCA debt, judgments might happen quickly or they might file a COJ overnight. That can destroy your bank accounts and damage your business reputation. With no strategy in place, you could end up forced into bankruptcy, or you might lose personal assets if there is a personal guarantee in the agreement you signed.

At Delancey Street, we offer more than just defense strategies. We can advise on alternatives, like business debt consolidation or invoice factoring. You can learn more about government-backed financing at the Small Business Administration (SBA) website. These solutions might provide cheaper and more affordable ways to handle your business debt.

We begin with a free consultation to learn about the MCA. We examine all agreements. Then, we map out a plan:

  • Step 1: Discovery: We gather your financial documents that were crucial to building your defense.
  • Step 2: Negotiation: We talk to creditors about possible settlements. That can lower your overall balance or stretch out your repayment term.
  • Step 3: Defense Tactics: If you get sued, we defend you in court. That might involve filing motions to dismiss any claims that were not backed by proper evidence.

We have experience. We help clients nationwide, and we know how MCA lenders operate.
We provide a human touch. We see you as more than a file number.
We produce results. We’ve helped many businesses reduce their debt substantially, so they could keep their doors open.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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Delancey Street simply gets it. You're talking to experts.
Steven Norris
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